Words by Craig Carrington-Porter
A sold out show at King Tut’s is always something to behold. Many bands have come and gone, their stairs are littered with the names of famous act that have played over the years. It is a true testament that both new and established music is in circulation at this still legendary venue.
Before even getting through to the live room upstairs there is an upheaval in the main bar, as fans who were unfortunate to buy a ticket wonder in desperation asking the question “Has anyone got a spare ticket?”.
Quarter to nine strikes on the clock and the band Chump start things off with a mellow and poetic gloom. Reminisce of Joy Division seep through their music as they play a quaint but very original thirty minute set.
The next band on is the Glasgow three piece Paws. Since the release of their debut album Cokefloat! The band have never been short of playing a gig anywhere in the world, from touring around America to even playing a majority of Europe. They play strong and again the set is short but very, very sweet. Of their catalogue of three albums they still play the songs you want to hear such as the likes of ‘sore tummy’, ‘tongues’ and even two new tracks. The best part for all of Paws fan base out there is that they announced they are currently in the process of recording a new album.
At King Tut’s there is a curfew, that curfew is midnight. So when The Cribs took to the stage at half ten you know you have to try and survive one hour and a half hours of what would turn out to be pure carnage. The audience is built up of a mix of generations, of fans who saw them fourteen years ago in 2003, to people still in their teens possibly seeing them for the first time.
The second they struck the notes to their opening song the entire crowd was with them verse after verse, chorus after chorus and wouldn’t back down. They almost drowned out both Gary Jarman (bass/vocals) and Ryan Jarman (guitar/vocals) as they shared the responsibility of delivering their lyrics to the audience between them. When a band performs for an extensive amount of time you can expect to hear all of your favourites. Especially considering that The Cribs have so many hits to chose from. Most notably ‘Cheat on Me’, ‘Hey Scenesters’ and ‘Mens Needs’ stood out purely through the fact that the crowd was so immersed within the band.
The three brothers Gary, Ryan and Ross Jarman who make up the band could not be faulted. The strain and grain to Gary Jarman’s (bass/vocals) voice, blended with the piercing and lo-fi melodies of Ryan’s guitar mixed in an abundance of heavy drum beats equate to The Cribs still holding on to their title of being one of the best cult bands in the United Kingdom. Even more so, the fact they have sold out four continuous nights at King Tut’s is of enough proof to make you realise that you have, want and need to see The Cribs live. That is of course if you can purchase a spare ticket before they sell out.