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Writer's pictureLauren Patterson

Rudimental @ O2 Academy, Glasgow – 27/02/16


On Friday Rudimental and Anne-Marie hit Glasgow and it was only one of the greatest things my wee soul has ever seen. 

I’ve managed to check out Rudimental a few times at the likes of T in the Park and wasn’t particularly blown away HOWEVER on Friday they gave a performance which was one of the greatest things i’ve ever been so fortunate to witness.

I walked into the venue to catch Anne-Marie’s soundcheck. Anne-Marie used to be one of Rudimental’s touring singers and she has since split from the band to pursue her solo career. All I can say is her future looks very promising, especially with her single, Do It Right. As people started to shuffle into the venue, there was one thing about their audience that I noticed. Rudimental’s audience was concocted of people from every age group and background. Everyone from teenagers dressed like they’re headed to T in the Park to pensioners with their walking sticks. (No Joke) Normally the audience fits into a specific group and I found it amazing to see such range of people. It’s not often an artist has such a varied audience.  Rudimental appeals to EVERYONE. 

Rudimental burst on to the stage with a loud bass sound. (The only way we could describe it, is that it sounded like the inception noise). The bass was so intense the whole venue was shaking and at one point I felt like I was going to crumble. (Yes, that intense). Every single song Rudimental played, the audience went mental for, there was not a song in the set that did not receive a fantastic reaction.

Every member of the crowd was dancing and singing along (Except me, i’m still yet to get over the social faux pas that is dancing in public on your lonesome) and the atmosphere was amazing. Songs like Lay It All On Me, Waiting All Night and Feel the Love received the biggest reactions .

But we need to talk about the musicianship and talent that Rudimental and their musicians/singers have. All of them were so energetic, enthusiastic and having a damn good time. It reflected right onto the audience. I have not been to a gig in a long time and seen every musician on stage dancing, smiling and getting into the music like no one was watching. That was the nicest thing to see and I honestly couldn’t stop smiling because of it. All the singers had class voices and had made up little dance routines and it was the cutest thing. (Soz, starting to fangirl now)  There was one musician who stood out in particularly for me, Will Heard.

Will Heard has featured on quite a few songs on Rudimental’s new album We the Generation, including Rumour Mill (also featuring Anne-Marie) Will came onto stage in what appeared to be trackie bottoms and an orange jumper. He looked so out of place and I honestly thought at first what the hell is that guy doing up there? BUT MAN was I proved wrong. He’s not only one of the best singers about right now, but also one of the best performers. You can tell exactly how much he loves doing what he does. Throughout the set he played Saxophone, guitar and sang. Even when he wasn’t doing anything he was dancing and singing along. I was so taken aback by how talented this man is. His dance moves were also A+,  at one point performing a dance routine with Anne-Marie. And now I can straight up confess i’m in love with Will Heard.

If you ever get a chance to catch Rudimental live. DO IT, you won’t regret it. Even if you aren’t a huge fan, the live show is absolutely amazing! Check out Rudimental’s latest single Rumour Mill featuring Anne-Marie and Will Heard.

Lauren xx

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