Hailing from John O’Groats, Neon Waltz have gone from strength to strength in the past year. Touring up and down the country and playing numerous festivals, the 6 piece have began to make quite the name for themselves and just in the past couple of days, the band have released their brand new single Dreamers. Following on from previous singles such as Perfect Frame and Bare wood Aisles, it’s their first piece of new music in quite sometime.

With a similar sound to songs before now, Dreamers is a tune that shows maturity. Not only in their songwriting but also in the band themselves, showing musicianship skills you’d expect to see in those many a years older. With a strong drum and bassline throughout, dreamers flows seamlessly from one part to the next. Their uncategorised sound flows throughout, with the familiar keyboard noise and forward lyrics. It’s Neon Waltz’ biggest song yet and it can only be described as an anthem. It’s loud with a sense of ferocity and no doubt will be screamed back at them at gigs to come, especially the notable line “Seems now that dreamers all have died.”. Check out “Dreamers” below!
Lauren Patterson @ Club Decode 2016