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Writer's pictureLauren Patterson

Kyko – Dive In

An act that always grasps a boundless amount of attention when releasing new music is Kyko. Ahead of the release of his second EP on March 10th, he has delivered his latest single, Dive In. 


The young artist is known for his consistent strength in songwriting, With recurring percussive themes, rhythmic emphasis and cultured harmonies, Dive In is habitual. The familiarity is not a set back, Kyko stands out amongst his fellow indie pop rising acts. His creation sounds as though ever single aspect of it has been thought out extensively and it creates a summer like atmosphere, encouraging reminisces of sunnier times.  Although Dive In seems like a carefree, breezy piece, the lyrics prove otherwise. Telling of learning, confusion and wanting more. This song is driven by percussion, flowing throughout the verses into an explosive drum filled chorus.

At this point, I could continue into a complicated dissection of every part of this song, but in this case I believe simplicity is key. This is simply a charming, brilliant piece of music with a feelgood vibe that encourages a dance or a head nod. A listen and an exploration of this song is what I can only recommend.  Another fantastic single from Kyko and it’s only going be a pleasure to see where he goes or what he does next.

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